Look at it! Behold the butyl overmold on the comically oversized cap! See the screen printed lines like a 90s basketball sneaker! Feel the forced ergonomics of the weird section! Examine the submarine portholes of an ink view window!

…It actually writes okay though. Rotring made good nibs.

  • @wjriiOP
    24 months ago

    lacquer thinner

    If nothing else works, you can try, but you start to run into what the harsher chemicals will do to the plastic of the feed. Without some materials science research (always plausible on Lemmy), this would be best done in an incremental escalation process, LOL. If there’s sentimental value, you could always replace the section/nib unit and keep the barrel and cap, though that does effectively double the price of your pen. Or shoot, maybe write the company; I think Wordsworth & Black are sort of boutique rebranding operation, and they might be happy to keep a customer satisfied with a fairly small cost of goods on the spare parts.

    Good luck! I dodged the bullet on India ink, but I have a dead Parker Vacumatic in my parts drawer that will speak to the fact we all make mistakes.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      4 months ago

      Okay, thanks again for all of the great information. I have it soaking in almost boiling water right now. I heated the water on the stove until just before boiling and the took it off the heat and dropped the nib in there. I couldn’t even draw water through it using the converter. If that doesn’t loosen it up, and I don’t think it will, then I’ll try lacquer thinner before looking to replace parts. Cheers

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      14 months ago

      After soaking it in very hot water last night I got the bright idea to try to scrape it with a little wooden coffee stirrer. I broke the rubber gasket that goes around the post on the receiving end. So I think that tip is done. I bought a replacement tip last night for $10.

      It sucks because it was finally flowing again too! I just wanted to scrape the dried up stuff off the receiving end, and I didn’t realize there was a rubber gasket there. At least I was able to find a replacement that didn’t cost as much as the entire pen itself.

      • @wjriiOP
        34 months ago

        Yeah, they’re oddly complex little devices for what is effectively a straw with a thumb covering one end. Glad you’re at least going to get the gift writing again.

        • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
          14 months ago

          And more importantly, keep it writing! I’m really glad I said something because I love these pens and I’ve been really disappointed that they never worked whenever I reached for one.