i can’t stand megathreads – no one reads these! no one wants their posts banished there!

  • @Hazdaz
    432 years ago

    Overzealous mods.

    Endless OF spam.

    Corporate shills.

    Permanent bans. Except for egregious cases, ALL bans should be for a certain number of hours to cool the situation down, and then let it go.

    • TheSpookiestUser
      42 years ago

      Permanent bans. Except for egregious cases, ALL bans should be for a certain number of hours to cool the situation down, and then let it go.

      You would be surprised at what portion of bans you would consider “egregious cases”. Spambots and regular spammers, for one, but also racists, sexists, transphobes, homophobes - basically all manners of bigot. Bigots made up about 97% of my permabans when I was a mod. The other 3% were spammers, serial trolls, and people who were obviously on an alt and ban evading.

      • @Hazdaz
        12 years ago

        People can read into a comment a whole lot of stuff that isn’t there. And it is rather easy for a mod to hit the ban button and think the problem will go away. It doesn’t. It only gets worse. And the fact that Reddit mods were quick to hit the ban and then silence inquiries as to why someone was banned only aggravates the situation further. To the mod, they think its over. It isn’t, because the person will come back under a new account and will be even more aggressive next time.

        That can all be eliminated with a simple 24 hour ban from that particular sub. By then the thread is probably dead and people have moved on.

      • @Hazdaz
        12 years ago

        I haven’t been here long enough to know.

    • @TheDoctorDonna
      22 years ago

      But what else is a mod supposed to do when someone points out their hypocrisy?

    • @yokonzo
      12 years ago

      Only fans spam is already creeping on here

      • LokYinN
        2 years ago

        here take the bonk bat