• @froh42
    6 months ago

    My neighbor country, the Czech Republic also has very permissive gun control laws - it has a lot less shooting incidents per capita than the US.

    So, while gun control is one thing that’s really missing and should be done, there’s more going on - sometimes you read the word “mental health crisis”

    Tbh, I also know a lot of dumb motherfuckers, but in the US a larger amount of dumb motherfuckers seem to become homicidal twats.

    Saying he’s just a whack-job wanting to kill lotso-people is not enough, why the fuck does this happen so frequently?

    • @Illuminostro
      6 months ago

      The obscenely rich in the US control the “News.” Because of the First Amendment, and their stacking of the courts with their Federalist Society handpicked Nazi judges, they’re allowed to push hate and fear propaganda 24/7. To keep the peasants fighting each other, instead of coming after them. It’s that simple. The hyper rich oligarchy want to stay rich, stay in control, and don’t give two shits about the rest of us. At all. They want a permanent aristocracy, and a permanent slave class. And they’re perfectly willing to incite another civil war to make it happen.

      • @aidan
        86 months ago

        Don’t worry the rich control the MSM in Europe too.

    • @aidan
      26 months ago

      Its hard to find data on this, but I wonder if it could be related to more strict requirements for involuntary commitment in the US. And outside of involuntary commitment, also a much higher rate of institutionalization in general. Whereas mental health patients in the US generally voluntarily take themselves to a psychiatrist rather than being segregated from the general population. I also wonder about hospitalization stays comparison.