Russia saw protests at polling stations on Sunday on the final day of voting in an election set to extend Russian President Vladmir Putin’s long hold on power.

Lines at some polling stations in Russia grew suddenly at around 12pm local time Sunday, the hour at which supporters of the deceased opposition leader Alexey Navalny called on people to turn out collectively as a show of opposition support.

A CNN team at a polling station in Moscow said the line grew rapidly over a five- to ten-minute spell at around noon, and estimated 150 people had arrived.

The CNN team said that police were letting people in batches through the gates to pass through security, with metal detectors and bags being checked inside the building.

    • Optional
      107 months ago

      Man, you’ve got multiple boots on your neck. How are you supposed to fight that all day every day and just survive and try to have some normalcy before getting your final to go box?

      Dissent is so not allowed, you’re in jail for not not dissenting. It’s super fucked up, and yeah there’s a big swath of russia’s version of MAGA in there who are complete fucking idiots, but I’m not saying the grocery store-working mother of two has to bring down multiple levels of mafias or else she’s evil. C’mon.

    • RubberDuck
      47 months ago

      The Russians that lived through the 90s know what will happen if the country collapses. And Putin made damn sure there is no alternative.

      So what then?

      I hope they figure it out, but the spectre of the collapse of the USSR still haunts many in Russia.

    • davel [he/him]
      7 months ago

      Maybe not many Russians shed a tear over Navalny’s passing because he was a fascist who wanted to hand Russia back over to Global North neocolonizers for a second helping of shock therapy.

      Wikileaks Reveals Alexei Navalny’s US Funding as Washington Exploits His Death

      The Russian people like Putin for the same reason US “national interests” hate him: he kicked the shock therapists out of the country: The Crisis That Created Putin