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  • @ickplantOPM
    103 months ago

    I met an amazing person this week through completely serendipitous means (10 other people ended up not showing up to a workshop, so I really got to talk with the workshop leader a lot; she’s the amazing person).

    I also finished my training in ketamine-assisted psychotherapy. It took forever to finish because of ADHD - procrastination will be the end of me. But it’s done! Once I get my insurance coverage updated and create a disclaimer, I can start providing it. Super excited!

    • Apathy Tree
      43 months ago

      Omg that’s the best feeling fr fr. It’s so hard to be a social human adult woman (platonically).

      So proud for you!

      Tell me more about this therapy you’ve finished training for. What led you to it? I assume you have like medical credentials of some variety?

      (I’m a science communicator, so don’t feel weird telling me things, I’ll ask for clarification if I don’t understand something! Please info dump.)

      • @ickplantOPM
        23 months ago

        Haha, nice.

        Yes, I’m a licensed clinical social worker, and I work as a psychotherapist in my private practice. I have seen some my clients go through IV ketamine infusions with great results, and I have heard many success stories from colleagues who do ketamine-assisted therapy.

        There is just something amazing about psychedelics. They seem to encourage neuroplasticity in a way we are just beginning to understand. People have incredible experiences and don’t need therapy anymore (at least not in the way they would have without the psychedelics).

        So, I am very interested in providing ketamine-assisted therapy. I think psychedelics are the future of my profession, at least for a large portion of it.