The GTA has been showing signs of the urban ills that are commonly associated with city life south the border.

Downtown infrastructure has been deteriorating, as have cleanliness and order, which were once the city’s strong suits.

In Ontario, growth has shifted to lower-cost places like Kitchener-Waterloo (110 kilometres from downtown Toronto), as well as Guelph (95 km), Peterborough (140 km) and London (195 km). Even long declining areas, like the Maritimes, have been gaining population in recent years.

Clearly a new approach is merited. Leaders in Toronto have to accept dispersion and find the city’s niche within a wider range of settlements. Downtowns themselves, as Calgary’s urban leadership now suggests, will have to morph from primarily business centres to places more oriented to housing, academic and cultural activities.

To be sure, swank high-rise projects may appeal to the wealthy and the childless. But the urban future lies in places that are walkable but not hyper-dense and can attract middle-income families.

  • @[email protected]
    401 year ago

    Wow, this sounds just like a Conservative rant about how dirty and evil and bad cities are, written to be consumed by folks from the burbs who haven’t been downtown for 25+ years.

    What? NatPo is owned by an American hedge fund? Quelle surprise.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      Wild how they didn’t write or publish this under the Ford or Tory mayoralships, eh? Infrastructure decay just hit out of the blue this year, for some reason.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        Yeah, how quickly people forgot that the fatter, stupider Ford brother cancelled transit city with a one page memo on city letterhead – costing the city nearly $100 MILLION in wasted work and cancellation fees.

        Fiscal responsibility my ass.