Cyclone was supposed to be a safer dialect of C. Shouldn’t it have replaced C by now, while also adding some improvements and reducing the burden of legacy code?

  • @TCB13
    2 months ago

    Eventually people will ask the sabe about Go… Rust seems to be on the path of success thought.

    • Rikudou_Sage
      12 months ago

      Wait, Go is dead/dying? That sucks, I’ve always wanted to get more proficient in that language and write some production code with it.

      • @TCB13
        12 months ago

        Licensing, potencial analytics right into the the thing, lots of other shady moves by google… and people started using it like a catch all replacement for everything including PHP which doesn’t make sense. Go is good for low level stuff not higher level business cases, on those you’ll be just wasting your time.