
I warn @10DowningStreet we will fight any plan to conscript our young people to fight Joe Biden (or Donald Trump’s) Wars. Russia is not our enemy. China is not our enemy. Your government and the economic system it represents are our enemy. I promise you the Mother of All Battles against this. #NoConscription @No2NatoNo2War

Source: https://twitter.com/georgegalloway/status/1769507929323921706

  • @[email protected]
    277 months ago

    Other side of what “view”? It’s not in dispute that Russia invaded Ukraine, and you haven’t addressed the fact that it’s not only “legacy” media reporting on that. Why shouldn’t we view this “legacy style” imperialistic aggression as a major threat? The last time this happened it turned into WWII, and many would argue appeasement made that possible.

    • @jimmydoreisaleftyOP
      -277 months ago

      I do not see in that matter, I just see it as US and our lackeys helping us go to more endless wars.

      Negotations will only start if the US president talks with Putin, the longer it takes the worse it will go for Ukraine, unless the goal is for regime change in Russia.

      We all know how well regime change goes when our US military is involved, just look at the middle east, africa, and Latin america…

      Ukraine coup 2014 and before, Russia/Ukraine conflict did not start on Feb. 2022.

      Last time it happened, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor which then made US join the battle in WW2.

      Soviet Union and the others were taking losses way before we joined, looking at the stats: 11-20 million Soviet Union deaths accured during WW2.

      Again negotations could happen if US president wants to, but all we do is keep funding proxy wars in Ukraine/Israel and many other places.

      • @[email protected]
        187 months ago

        Nobody is talking about sending US troops to Ukraine, and nobody but Russia is responsible for this war. What is there to negotiate? Ukraine has a right to self defense and Russia has no justification for what they’ve done.

        Nobody said the Ukrainian conflict started in 22, but funny how you bring up 2014 and don’t mention Russia illegally invading and then annexing Crimea. If that had any legitimacy, why did their troops not proudly fly their flag?

        And what is this irrelevant nonsense about Pearl Harbor? We’re speaking of how WW2 began, not how the US entered the war, namely Hitlers bullshit justifications for his invasion.