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Short Summary

  1. The speaker discusses End User License Agreements (EULAs) and compares them to the behavior of a rapist using the tactic of “ruying” to manipulate consent.
  2. Criticism is directed towards companies like Sony and Roku for burying important terms in legal agreements and forcing users into agreements without the option to disagree.
  3. The video focuses on Roku’s decision to implement a forced arbitration agreement on existing customers, removing their rights to legal recourse.
  4. The speaker argues that this move was likely a response to security breaches and hacking incidents, with Roku blaming users for weak passwords.
  5. The importance of transparency and consent in business practices is highlighted, and companies are criticized for taking advantage of consumers.
  6. The speaker questions the responsibility of companies like Roku and LG for attempting to change terms after a sale, such as holding customer devices hostage for agreeing to arbitration terms.
  7. Roku is criticized for denying any relation between new dispute resolution terms and hacked accounts, suggesting it’s a cover-up.
  8. Distrust towards companies connecting devices to the internet is expressed, opting for secure options like pfSense routers and Linux computers.
  9. The video concludes by asking viewers for their thoughts and signing off.
  • @SidewaysHighways
    27 months ago

    I have very strong feelings about this. Enough to migrate to LibreELEC, which is awesome