• @[email protected]
    -46 months ago

    I often see people on lemmy deride others for not posting things that would be directed at trump supporters here, on lemmy, which has a total of 0 vocal trump supporters. Tbf, how do you know this OP isn’t posting that content where it would actually be seen by those who’s jimmies would be rustled by it?

    It’s entirely possible that this anonymous individual is also on trumpsocial or whatever the fuck it is as another anonymous individual trolling them there where they are, and is posting content that would be subversive here, here. Frankly it’d make more sense, anti trump stuff here is just a circle jerk, we all hate him dude.

    • MushuChupacabra
      36 months ago

      You’re probably right.

      Thankfully, there’s nothing of existential importance happening this election cycle.

      Let’s just let the messaging flow, and see where it takes us.

      • @[email protected]
        -16 months ago

        You mean like every election cycle? That’s what they say every time. Getting a little “boy who cried wolf”-y in here.

        • MushuChupacabra
          36 months ago

          In this case, crying wolf means nor wanting Donald Trump to become president. The guy who stated clearly that he wants to be dictator (but only for a day apparently, so no worries), stated that some migrants trying to get into the states are not human, wants to exact revenge on his political rivals, and incites violence in his supporters whenever he doesn’t get his way (and even when he does get his way).

          Oh, yeah I almost forgot to mention that he’s a Russian asset, and has already sold state secrets. Colloquially, that’s known as treason.

          Getting a little “boy who cried wolf”-y in here.

          Getting a little dismissive of existential threats to democracy in here.

          • @[email protected]
            16 months ago

            Not quite, but close. It means every election is “the end of our democracy.” So far it has yet to really be the case.

            I doubt his ability to become dictator. Worst case I think he holds up with a small number of supporters and gets absolutely obliterated, more likely he cries and moans about well, everything all the time.

            • MushuChupacabra
              26 months ago

              I doubt his ability to become dictator.

              Thank you very much for erasing my grave concerns. Your assurances are so good, that I completely forgot about what Donald Trump was like as president.

              Your words are soothing. Nice work.

              We can all relax now.

              • @[email protected]
                06 months ago

                Right, all that dictator he became and how he successfully ended democracy, I remember.

                Sorry your hyperbolic fear mongering isn’t quite enough to manipulate me, nor was it for Bush, nor when the republicans did the exact same thing for Obama, nor when it was 1st trump, nor again when trump v biden, and same as every one of those times, everything will remain the same.

                Don’t get me wrong, if it happens I’ll be first in line with a rifle to fight it, but I highly doubt it.

                • MushuChupacabra
                  26 months ago

                  Sorry your hyperbolic fear mongering isn’t quite enough to manipulate me … everything will remain the same.

                  Unless of course Trump runs roughshod over the rule of law, and exacts revenge on his political rivals. As he has stated he will do if elected. He is not asking to be a dictator, he is stating that he is going to be.

                  So basically the opposite of “everything will remain the same”.

                  Don’t get me wrong, if it happens I’ll be first in line with a rifle to fight it, but I highly doubt it.

                  I also highly doubt that you would fight back in any way. You’re extremely comfortable with the premise that this is just like every other election; if that were so, then why are you suggesting that you’d fight?

                  • @[email protected]
                    16 months ago

                    He can try, trying and succeeding are two different things.

                    I’m suggesting that if you’re right, that if trump manages to successfully “end” democracy and install himself as dictator as you claim he’s so able to do, I’d be first in line. This election is just like every other, thus why nobody has picked up rifles yet, there’s a startling lack of democracy ending dictators afoot, contrary to popular claim that every president since Regan would become one.

                    Time will tell. Will this be just like all the other times this was claimed including the last time the same guy won, or will it be for realsies this time? !remindme 4 years.