ActivityPub has remained the dominant Fediverse protocol over the past few years. In that time, many bright ideas have come on how to improve the spec. Here’s where those efforts are today.

  • qaz
    38 months ago

    How can you verify you don’t have something?

      • @[email protected]
        58 months ago

        It’s like saying “prove you don’t own a poodle”. How do you prove that? I can tell you I don’t own a poodle… but how can you be sure?

      • qaz
        8 months ago

        there’s no way of knowing for sure if it will be deleted from other instances

        You can’t be sure if something is deleted, because there is no way to prove you don’t have something.

        However, if you just want to check if the instance claims to have deleted something, you could probably just perform a GET request for the specific object as defined in the activitypub spec.