President says ‘epidemic of gun violence is tearing our communities apart’ after mass shootings in Philadelphia, Fort Worth, Baltimore and Chicago

  • @massacre
    11 year ago

    I’m genuinely curious why you think that article does not propose anything relavant to gun violence. It’s entirely about gun violence. And it’s using conservative mentatlity, especially “Personal Responsibility” as well as NRA’s own rules to recommend new laws governing that personal responsibility. And more to the point it’s about changing (over time) exactly the mentality you point out about guns in the us. So I truly don’t understand how that’s not a practical starting point. The liklihood of removing guns entirely from the US like the UK or other countries is slim to none given the 2nd Amendment and political climate, and so to me that’s tilting at wind mills.

    All that being said, the analogy of drunk driving and the efforts to pass laws to force responsibility there have had both a massive impact on number of drunk driving incidents and certainly deaths. You can’t stop people from violating the law, but you can hold them accountable is the point and now in the US after 40+ years of DUI/DWI laws, constant messaging, and consequences, you can see that minds have changed and society with it. People used to drink and drive as a matter OF COURSE - that just doesn’t happen many places anymore in the US. Nobody took away cars, ability to drive, ability to drink, but you combine those and you’re likely getting put in Jail. Certainly if you do it more than once. I’d characterize it as people now caring about this on a whole in society where in the 50’s/60’s/70’s it was rampant.