How is the plot ? I can’t stand plot holes . Also in what order should i read ? I have watched season 1 and 2 of the series and thought it was average and won’t be bothering with season 3 as cavil is sacked after this anyway . Also i like the harry potter series as they have fleshed out characters and good plot with very minimal holes (why didn’t you break the fucking wand harry your going to be an auror).

Also any good english translation which will cover the whole book ?

  • @jordanlund
    47 months ago

    The key thing to remember is the series was originally written in Polish, so if you’re approaching it in English, it’s only going to be as good as the translator.

    Not to say there aren’t EXCELLENT translations of other books. The Carlos Ruiz Zafon and Sergei Lukyanenko books are all excellent.