Made my gf a keyboard for her birthday and she’s enjoying it, but is missing light up indicator when caps lock is on. I know this key sucks and I disabled it on mine but she uses it a lot for her job.

The keyset I got her is completely opaque so you can’t really see the caps light unless you’re right above the keyboard looking at the edges of the caps key.

I took some spare keys of the same shape and drilled holes right above the indicator light and it shines through pretty well, but want to fill it with something clear to make it look nicer/diffract the light a bit. Does anyone have any recommendations? Was thinking about using polyurethane caused I’ve used it for random other things and seems like it could work.


  • @[email protected]
    38 months ago

    I doubt you’ll be able to make something adhere securely long term. if I was to try I would drill holes on the sides only and fill with hot glue. I added hot glue to keys before and it stayed for a fairly long time. Holes on the top will be annoying on the fingertips. There would always be a perceptible difference. And your filler will eventually fall off. if you really wish to pursue the project you will need to investigate the material your keys are made of and what will adhere to it.

    You’re basiclaly trying to DIY double shot keys. I think it would be really hard to duplicate this without a factory:

    I suggest you go on ali express and buy shine-through key of the same profile and compatible texture. You can buy blank keys or modifier keys in small amounts, even one at a time depending. Make sure to get the correct size per your layout.