Damn katsaps again for their own. 🤷 ♂️ From the interesting classic suicide of a Russian paratrooper 🤳

All of you, dear ones, know our regular column about how the orcs cheat on themselves and thereby save our drones and resets.

Here they are well done, you can’t say anything 🤝 Thanks guys.

So, in Krynky, these guys have already moved on. For your attention, a greedy orc who does not allow himself to be killed in the normal way, but starts to fire himself: sometimes he opens friendly fire at his kient, then he shoots himself in the head, but he does not succeed in this - he misses wonderfully.

So the good people from the Marine Corps of Ukraine had to help the regular Russian homeless in Krynyky from the Russian army and pelt them with various explosive content.

So and so.

  • @JamesTBagg
    66 months ago

    I wonder what they’ve heard that makes them believe it’s better to off themselves than be POWs.

    • @rdri
      66 months ago

      Imagine being convinced that you even need to go there to “protect” your country. A lot of people underestimate the power of Putin’s propaganda machine, and by a lot.