WisDOT challenges Wisconsin to put safety first by taking the two most important actions to prevent or survive a crash. Accept the Buckle Up Phone Down challenge.

  1. Use your seat belt every trip and put down the phone when driving.

  2. Take the Buckle Up Phone Down pledge.

  3. Share your commitment by taking a “thumbs up/thumbs down” photo. Post it to social media using the hashtag #BuckleUpPhoneDown.

  • rhythmisaprancer
    321 year ago

    In my mind, it is a challenge when I have to navigate a touch screen to change the heat setting on this new work vehicle 🤨

    • @jacksilver
      101 year ago

      My one complaint about my new vehicle. I can basically control everything from the steering wheel, except the A/C. For some reason that needs to be weird touch controls.