I don’t have this problem when reading novels or comics on the same devices, what gives?

    • all-knight-party
      11 year ago

      If you get dizzy while watching TV high you should still go to the doctor because that’s not a regular side effect lol

        • all-knight-party
          1 year ago

          I suppose, but it’s not a side effect that happens to everyone, so if you get dizzy smoking weed and you do it regularly then you should probably check with a doctor to be safe anyhow, it’s not really an intended effect.

          Edit: I’m specifically saying light headedness dizzy like OP describes. There are a myriad of crazy feelings you might have if you don’t consume weed regularly, but if you do and you’re getting light headed I still think that’s potentially dangerous and not something that’s “supposed” to happen, regardless of the variety of things that might happen to a first time or very occasional smoker. Suppose I should’ve clarified