WisDOT challenges Wisconsin to put safety first by taking the two most important actions to prevent or survive a crash. Accept the Buckle Up Phone Down challenge.

  1. Use your seat belt every trip and put down the phone when driving.

  2. Take the Buckle Up Phone Down pledge.

  3. Share your commitment by taking a “thumbs up/thumbs down” photo. Post it to social media using the hashtag #BuckleUpPhoneDown.

  • @RememberTheApollo_
    161 year ago

    The US absolutely has seatbelt laws, and only two states don’t have cellphone use laws.

    Problem is that that they’re rarely enforced.

    • shastaxc
      11 year ago

      I think the problem is the lack of a way to prove someone was on their phone. It’s such a hassle that cops stopped pulling people over for it because it led nowhere.