Most of what works in the Star Trek movies evolve from what we know about the characters. Kirk’s love for his ship and history with the Klingons, Picard’s history with the Borg, Data’s struggle with emotions, that sort of thing.

What character threads from any of the series could have been picked up and expanded on in movies?

  • Eva!
    112 years ago

    Maybe a less popular one, but all the stuff Admiral Vance had to do to keep the Federation together prior to Discovery’s arrival. He’s pragmatic and you can tell from how he treats Stamets in the s3 finale he’s no stranger to sacrifice. From his discussion with Osyraa, though, you can see he’s still committed to the high-minded ideals of Starfleet and the UFP.

    • Nmyownworld
      42 years ago

      A movie about Admiral Vance’s pre-DSC experiences would be great.

      I’d like to see a mini-series about the immediate post-Burn crumbling of the Federation. Tied to how, while much smaller and muted, the Federation still went on.