Transcription: a Twitter thread from Gary Bernhardt.

  • You, the one who is reading this! You don’t need Kubernetes!
  • Also microservices.
  • Also queues that are separate from your primary database (for most apps).
  • Google cosplay is not business-critical.


  • JoYo
    136 months ago

    Even if what you say isn’t true I’m giving my vote of confidence so I can just shrug whenever someone disagrees with my architecture.

    Don’t like that I chose a single API server? We’re avoiding sprawling microservice deployments with tightly coupled dependencies.

    Don’t like all the docker containers? We’re avoiding bloated, tightly coupled logic that ignores business domains.

    • @[email protected]
      156 months ago

      Monoliths are the answer to bad microservices. Microservices are the answer to bad monoliths. It’s all cyclic and four different architects are going to have fifteen different opinions on how your system should be built. Do the thing that makes sense for your team and try to stay flexible.