Curious about the stability of using Photoshop with Wine or a VM. Photoshop and Marvelous Designer are the only apps I use that aren’t on linux. I wonder if using Wine for Photoshop would be simplified if people try a version like m0nkrus that doesn’t require the creative cloud.

  • @warmaster
    41 year ago

    I went in hard.

    I’m using Photoshop creative cloud on the web, switched illustrator for Inkscape (the CC version is in alpha stage). Davinci resolve and kdenlive, Scribus sucked so hard that I gave up my InDesign tasks.

    • gregorum
      21 year ago

      Cheers to you, mate, really. I might fiddle with photoshop web…

      But I’m on a production timeline most of the time, and I need everything to work and interoperate seamlessly in my workflow, which is part of why CC is so great for me. Plus, I don’t pay for it. If I did, this would be a very different conversation, lol!