- persistent hangars are instanced locations assigned to your home planet
- size of persistent hangars is based on the biggest ship you own (assigned on first login or patch reset)
- you’ll be able to keep things around, invite people etc
- you fly into the hangar via ATC as usual
- you can request anything in your inventory to be sent up in the cargo elevator and put it anywhere
- you can decide on the placement of items placed on the cargo elevator when requesting them
- some items will have to be put in cargo container when requesting
- item bank is a separate kiosk, used to request personal items (clothes, weapons etc)
- item banks are available in hangars and around hubs (LZs, hospitals, rooms)
- no more interacting with local inventory from anywhere
- ASOP terminals will be available inside the hangars, can request your ship from there
- ships are delivered via ground elevator in the middle of the hangar
- you can spawn ground vehicles as well
- you can spawn multiple ships at once (first one has to be moved away)
- you can fall into the ship elevator and die
- hangar sizes had to increase to fit everything needed for the new system
- extra large: ~25% larger
- large: ~30% larger
- medium: the same but taller
- small: hasn’t changed
- some small ships were reclassified to use larger hangars
- automatic (un)loading still exist as an option in the commodity terminal
- automatic (un)loading costs money
- ship has to be stored to make use of automatic (un)loading and will be locked for the duration of this process
- transfer times will vary by location (ex. cargo facilities will be faster)
Edit: added info about hangar size updates.
I was surprised initially but thinking about it it makes sense - they’re touching up on the inventory code anyway, might as well get it done in one swoop.