LORIMOR, Iowa — Babe the goat is trendier than she looks.

Babe lives a quiet life on a hillside farm in southern Iowa, where she grazes on grass with a small herd of fellow goats. Her owner, Stacy Wistock, milks her twice a day.

Wistock takes precautions to keep the milk clean, but she rarely pasteurizes it. Until recently, she gave it away to family and friends. Now, she’ll make a little money off it. Iowa legislators decided this spring to join dozens of other states in allowing small producers to sell unpasteurized milk from cows, goats, and sheep. The story continues

  • @DevCat
    22 years ago

    Maybe we should start a conspiracy theory that claims raw milk along with whatever else they are trying to legalize, but shouldn’t, will protect MAGAs from all disease.