• @essteeyou
    86 months ago

    I think you’re playing the victim here. Nobody said they hate you. We’re having a conversation.

    What’s the treatment for renal failure that’s as good as a new kidney?

    • @NocturnalMorning
      -96 months ago

      Haha, I’m playing the victim him here. Classic. Every time I make this comment I get people calling me an idiot, a weirdo, stupid, etc. Look at the comments around yours. You aren’t the only person responding to me.

      And this isn’t even the first time, or second for that matter that I’ve had this conversation.

      • @essteeyou
        86 months ago

        Well, sorry that other people can’t have a civil conversation. I am doing, though, or at least I hope it’s being perceived that way by you.

        You didn’t answer the question about the treatment you mentioned for renal failure.

        • @NocturnalMorning
          6 months ago

          A new kidney is the current treatment. My position is that we should be researching ways to treat renal failure that dont involve using animals as objects to grow organs. Its unethical in my opinion, hard line for me.

          It is a waste of research dollars that could be better spent elsewhere on an actual cure/treatment.

          My question to people that think this is okay would be to put yourself in the shoes of the animal. Would you be okay being an organ host yourself? My guess is most likely no.

          Well, pigs have the intelligence of a small child, and they are aware of what you’re doing to them. I don’t support my tax dollars going toward research like this. That’s my position.

          We can research ethical ways to treat the disease, we just don’t want to, and I think that’s very sad for our species.

          Edit: To be clear, this is where I differ with most people. I view all lives as equal. A humans life is not worth more than anything else on the planet, no more, no less. It is a fundamental disagreement that most people don’t share with me. I get called names quite often when I share this opinion.

          • @Fondots
            46 months ago

            A humans life is not worth more than anything else on the planet, no more, no less

            So it’s an equal trade, a pig life for an equally valued human life. One of them is going to die regardless.

            And from certain points of view, since that pig would not have been born if it weren’t for this, that is one more life created in this process. It may have been a short life, it may not have been the highest quality, but if we’re valuing all lives equally and believe that life is a good thing, the fact that that pig existed at all, regardless of the circumstances of its birth, life, and death, is something to be happy about.

            • @NocturnalMorning
              -46 months ago

              I don’t understand why you’re trying to argue with me on this. We shouldn’t be trying to use pigs to grow organs that’s my stance. You’re not going to change my mind.

              Let’s flip the situation, hypothetically, I’m willing to bet you wouldn’t volunteer to be used as a host to grow organs.

              If it’s not that big of a deal, then why don’t you volunteer to do it.