An official statement from the US diplomatic mission notes that there are reports of planned extremist attacks on major mass events in the capital, including concerts. US citizens are advised to refrain from visiting places with large concentrations of people for the next 48 hours.

The UK Foreign Office and the U.S. State Department’s consular bureau have also been notified of the threat by the embassy. It’s also worth noting that the US State Department has raised the risk level for travel to Russia to maximum. However, no such warning was found on the Russian-language version of the U.S. Embassy’s website.

At the moment, the Russian authorities have not commented on the statement of the American diplomatic mission.

In connection with this warning, it should be noted that the Public Relations Center of the Federal Security Service (FSB) announced the disclosure of the activities of an ISIS cell in the Kaluga region on March 7. According to the special services, members of this cell were preparing for an attack on a Jewish religious institution in Moscow. The FSB also reported about “neutralization of terrorists by return fire.” The FSB report was accompanied by a video clip showing a map of Moscow with a mark on the synagogue building on Novovladykinsky Prospekt.

Foto DW

  • @tomberuk
    13 months ago

    «Православный олигарх» Константин Малофеев уже использует теракт в Москве для эскалации войны в Украине

    Он призвал украинцев покинуть свои города.