• @jordanlund
    16 months ago

    Cardboard characters, plot holes, and going against everything the original trilogy stood for.

    It got on my bad side when they introduced Cassian by having him murder a completely innocent person, something the Empire would do.

    Then, later in the film, when it’s his fucking job to assassinate a legitimate military target, he gets all sweaty and - OH - JUST… CAN’T… PULL… THE… TRIGGER… No explanation, no character development… just because… That was when I walked out.

    The real reason of course, is more complicated. The original writer/director fucked things up so colossally he was actually removed from the picture and a new guy was brought in to re-write and re-shoot. Cassian’s change in tone was because of the two different creators.

    • @amorpheus
      26 months ago

      I also found Rogue One incredibly overrated. Nothing that they play up feels earned, and I didn’t get invested at all, possibly for some of the reasons you mentioned.