• The Pantser
    2211 months ago

    Bet I can guess the script. Sandler has been trying to get his kids into the business just look at Leo he had his whole damn family as cast.

    So Happy Gilmore 2 will be Adam/Happy as the old wise man teaching his daughter that is really good at Hockey to play golf like he does but she doesn’t want to because golf is lame. But during a heartfelt moment she realizes golf is actually cool and she goes on to kick Drew Carey’s ass in a tournament. Where she will use the updated catchphrase “The Price is Wrong Drew!”

    • ivanafterall
      11 months ago

      I love it. Alternately, open the film with Happy and his daughter living a very white collar golf existence. She’s extremely well-heeled, but eventually realizes her golf swing works on the ice even better. Enter a hybrid of Happy Gilmore, The Waterboy, and The Mighty Ducks. “The ice is wrong, bitch” while punching Drew Carey.

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        She realizes she’s a natural ice skater, too, because a dreamy boy teaches her. Sandler, who is pissed at the boy’s attitude and unadmittedly jealous, doubles down his efforts to learn to skate from his own elderly mentor (whom he may or may not accidentally kill).

        Sandler’s daughter pulls Drew’s shirt up over his head and starts wailing on him after Drew makes fun of Sandler’s skating ability, but not before Sandler threatens to cut him with an ice skate.

    • @TropicalDingdong
      311 months ago

      Actually I’d be into it after if it was his daughter really wanting to be a golfer but funding out that actually she’s got a natural talent for Hockey. Same story but in reverse and Happy has to come to terms with his child not choosing the path he sets out for them. Feel good comedy schticks with a training montage etc…