It’s been about 8 years since I gave Linux a real chance. I have an Sony VAIO PCG-3D3l Laptop which was abandoned by it’s previous owner.

I have no real plans for it, except to install Linux, and if I get comfortable with it, it’s probably what I will end up doing my banking on, because as much as I love Windows, I can’t say I ever feel secure using Windows.

What are your recommendations? I consider myself an advanced user with most forms of technology (Have an A+ certification that’s older than this laptop), but not on the level most of the people reading this are probably on.

  • gregorum
    10 months ago

    Most would do, especially if it has a dGPU. Almost any distro you pick will have very low minimum requirements. Linux is good like that!

    Depending on your configuration, you may want to tweak some settings.

    Pop_OS! and Linux Mint are very popular for beginners. Pop_OS! especially if you have an Nvidia GPU because they have a specific install just for that. Both are based on Ubuntu, which is based on Debian.

    Others might recommend Fedora, which is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux or OpenSUSE. They’re also simple, stable, and reliable like the others, but a bit different under the hood.

      • gregorum
        10 months ago

        i use it on a 18 year old i7 PC of mine with no issues. it’s fine for me. I use the Nvidia install, as i have a 960 GTX, which may affect the performance.

        as i said, it really depends on the config. Mint may be the better option.

        • @Eldritch
          110 months ago

          Yes an 18-year-old high-end system is going to run all right compared to an i3 or an i5 of similar vintage. Hyper threading makes a massive difference.

    • Extras
      10 months ago

      Agree with everything except about the dgpu. Personally ran into problems due to kernel compatibility with the proprietary drivers that are no longer being maintained with older models like the NVIDIA NVS 5400M on a thinkpad t430 and had to switch to nouveau. Its fine for what I use it for but does have screen tearing on external monitors so a beginner might get frustrated and since the display I/O is often using the dgpu you can’t use integrated graphics. So yeah not everything will be seamless for OP if they do have a dgpu