Main image alt text: picture of processed fermented blueberries in random dishes and pans.

I was going to use the blueberries. They tasted interesting. I started them on 2/23 and today is 3/23. After processing I tried to strain them. The resulting material has no flavor, but the juice is unique and savory. However, it does not taste like blueberries it has a unique and interesting flavor.

image of processed pico de gallo after fermentation

Pico de Gallo, was exactly the opposite. It also has a weird unique savory but more spicy flavor. After straining it, the juice has no flavor, but the solid materials are much stronger and interesting.

Further experimentation is required. I am posting to tap into the experience pool here to gain any insight possible.

  • th3dogcow
    46 months ago

    Thanks for the info! Experimentation in the kitchen is fun! I haven’t attempted any fermentation yet. I usually take fresh pico de gallo that’s not so fresh and cook it down with some tomato paste, blitz it, and use it as a dip or pizza sauce. To prolong its life I freeze it in an ice cube tray which I then transfer to ziplock freezer bags.