While chocolate-studded or fruit-free sourdough or brioche hot cross buns are becoming common, a Taranaki bakery has found a way to push the boundaries even further by producing a cheese and onion version containing onion powder, onion flakes and “a very nice Dutch cheese”.

  • @[email protected]
    56 months ago

    What even is a hot cross bun? The lines blur every year.

    At what point does “brioche with chocolate chips” become a hot crossy?

    I’d argue never. It’s not a spiced and fruited bun with a cross. The supermarkets on the other hand will want you to believe it’s a bun with a cross on it sold between December and May.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      46 months ago

      At this point, it seems the Easter availability time frame is the deciding factor as to whether it’s a hot cross bun!

      Well, perhaps if it’s a bun, has a cross on it, and can be heated up then I guess it has passed the low bar?