The latest software update for the Playstation 5, version 24.02-09.00.00, also includes a firmware update for the Playstation VR 2 and the Dual-Sense controllers. It appears that Sony is thus preparing the announced PC compatibility of the PSVR 2.

According to iVRy, a team that has been working on unofficial PC VR support for the PSVR 2 itself for some time, this update will no longer require any hardware or driver workarounds. The PSVR 2 could simply be connected to the PC via cable, eliminating the need for a Playstation 5.

However, iVRy points out that due to the hardware design of Sony’s VR headset, a VirtualLink adapter will still be required. An official statement from Sony is still pending.

  • @fer0nM
    12 months ago

    I think it’s great that they plan on supporting PC VR, but combined with the lay offs and rumors about them pausing the production due to sales, it seems a lot like this headset is half dead already. I hope it’s not, but it sure seems that way.