• @[email protected]OPMB
    16 months ago

    rokerroker45: I think the point is that folks who play in vr might be annoyed by the sweet spot shifting around when playing active games. Pretty much anything that involves swinging your arms or moving your feet irl inevitably shifts the HMD around. Q3 is the first headset I’ve owned where that doesn’t destroy the clarity immediately

    • @[email protected]OPMB
      16 months ago

      punkinholler: I totally get that. I’m not making fun or suggesting that they’re wrong for feeling that way. My only point (such as it is) was that it’s funny how something that is a deal breaker for some people is barely noticeable to others. I don’t notice the sweet spot problem because I’m used to it for non VR reasons. Other people probably care less about audio quality than I do. Everyone’s issues are valid, it’s just funny how variable those issues can be between different individuals.