• @PopOfAfrica
    -172 months ago

    While I like what framework is doing, given that Linus Sebastian is a investor of the company, I don’t think I can support them.

    At least not until the sexual harassment investigation that he promised would be released is finally released and shows no wrongdoing. Although I suspect it was a line it’s never going to get released.

    • Otter
      382 months ago

      I think he invested $250k, which my gut says is a very small part of what the company got?

      Don’t buy a computer if you don’t need it obviously, but consider that other companies likely have bad/harmful investors too. Bad people benefiting from a good thing isn’t a reason to hate on the good thing

      This might change if he owned a more significant part of the company

    • @[email protected]
      122 months ago

      So what you’re saying is that you’ll never buy anything anymore? Every company has shit investors. Your actual reason is probably more like “It’s too expensive and don’t actually care enough for what they stand for”

      • @PopOfAfrica
        -22 months ago

        Its a matter of trust. I trusted the man and he betrayed it. Simple as that.

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          I understand that (after all i don’t watch LTT anymore either) but not doing something becouse someone who you no longer like likes something isn’t a way to live your life

          It’s not frameworks fault that that stuff (allegedly) happened, and none of the good things that are true about the company are any less true becouse of it

          What is true is that framework is trying to change the laptop space, and at least personally speaking some rich influencer isn’t going to change how much I think that needs to happen

          • @PopOfAfrica
            2 months ago

            Again, I never said I didn’t like framework. I just don’t want another cent going to their investor. If they somehow removed Linus’s involvement , Ill be right on board again.