• @[email protected]
    62 months ago

    Of course it could be CIA connected but likely is a too strong word with the information available at this point. Russia is fucking around with many groups all over the world

    • @[email protected]
      42 months ago

      Zuber eats is a known pro-Russian troll. You can safely ignore them, they’re not acting in good faith.

        • @[email protected]
          12 months ago

          Oh, believe me, I tried. Paradox of tolerance, yadda yadda yadda.

          Best I can do right now is let people know there’s no point in engaging with trolls. We don’t want to encourage them and give them a platform they’ll use to spread their nazbol propaganda.

          • @[email protected]
            12 months ago

            Well dont stop, continue. Only in dialogue can we defeat our differences.

            Otherwise you seperate and isolate people, and strengthen they’re belives.

            There are people that you can show all the facts and logic and proof and they are not going to believe. Those people I refer to as stupid. ( I dont call em that. No need to be rude). Dont be such a person yourself.

            Hence, always try to engage in dialogue and be flexible enough in your worldviews. But also know some people are not and there is nothing you can do.

            But other people reading this will see you be right.

            Nazbol? What does this dead movement have to do with anything?

            • @[email protected]
              12 months ago

              We can all sit down and sing Kumbaya. While we do that, they’ll have free reign to propagate their conspiracy theories and hate.

              I don’t engage seriously with them anymore, I’ve been burnt too many times. I don’t want to give them more visibility than they already have.

              I want people to know immediately what they’re dealing with, because these guys don’t play by the rules.

              • @[email protected]
                12 months ago

                Which rules?

                Additionaly u are giving them more visibility, as uncommented statements are creticless, people rather read those.

                • @[email protected]
                  2 months ago

                  The topic of discussion is how to prevent them from doing any harm, rather than which space crocodile is secretly controlling us with mind-control lasers, or whatever their lunacy-of-the-day may be. This is a win. They’re being exposed without giving them the satisfaction of censoring them. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.

                  This is not high-school debate club. Anyone with a modicum of media litteracy knows you don’t give a platform to Russian shills, or anyone peddling any kind of similarly lunatic propaganda for that matter. If you want to know more, read their post history. The reason that you don’t do that is that the minute they get sufficient mindshare, they’ll be more than happy to bend the rules of civil discussion. We’re talking about people defending China and its censorship, after all.

                  And look, you’re more than welcome to criticize American imperialism and liberal hypocrisy. But shilling for authoritarian regimes is a red line any leftist worthy of the name should not cross.