• Tattletale TimesOPM
    73 months ago

    ya i’m not super happy with the image either. I normally try to use free stock photos for the articles but i couldn’t find any to fit this article.

    It’s hard to know what i should spend more of my time on - writing the articles, making the images, promoting the website(and on which platform), researching/implementing SEO, etc

    I’ll try better on the next pics! thanks!

    • @[email protected]
      43 months ago

      Sorry, didn’t mean to come off like a dick. There’s been so much low-effort AI spam lately that I just have a knee-jerk reaction to it now. I like what you’re doing here!

      • Tattletale TimesOPM
        13 months ago

        no prob at all! open to advice and suggestions as I’m learning as i go in my free time on this project