Title pick is mmori’s tomato caprese salad with homemade vegan mozz

Come join us on discord!

We are not a “food porn” community, plating is nice but not required. Just take a pic of what you’re eating and share. We’re trying to show the world what real vegans eat. Sometimes that is slop! We’re a small community of friends who love cooking and there is no expectation on professionalism. Join us and lets talk about what we’re making today!

alphor made some bangin beans on toast

battletoads made some aamzing tvp balls and spaghet

A traditional VHC lentil slop dish by curtis

edon made Orange Tofu

Goose made dumpster bread mmmmm

Jerry coming in with some mac n cheez

the kwf made some potatoes chief obrien

Meesh made an amazing looking bread

mmori Made some pestiños, a traditional holiday food!

Rileyann made some awesome looking sausage patties

Soup posted some tasty looking beans and rice - my favorite :D

Train shared gnocci with vegetables

  • @Addv4
    111 months ago

    Out of curiosity, how well would something like those melt on something like a pizza? Also, thanks for the links!

      • @Addv4
        211 months ago

        Thanks! I’ve have to try making sometime, been planning to find a good replacement for mozzarella on pizza, this might help.