The jihadist group, which claimed responsibility for Friday night’s bloody attack in Russia, has spread to countries north of Afghanistan.

The use of the Telegram encrypted messaging network by the Islamic State Khorasan Province (IS-K), the jihadist organization’s Afghan affiliate, to claim responsibility for the attack on a Moscow concert hall on March 22 came as no surprise to Western intelligence services. While Russian President Vladimir Putin and his security services have not yet mentioned their communiqué, it was through this channel that the group assumed responsibility for its deadly attack.

IS-K embodies a regionalization strategy that the international jihadist movement has followed since it lost its base in Iraq and Syria; a restructuring facilitated by the instability of the unstable Afghanistan-Pakistan area.

In July 2021, according to a UN report submitted to the Security Council, the number of IS fighters in Afghanistan was estimated at “between 500 and several thousand.” Its presence in the region, under the name of Islamic State Khorasan Province – a former name for a region encompassing parts of South Asia, Iran and Central Asia – was documented since 2015. The UN found that, while the return to power of the Afghan Taliban in mid-2021 reduced its scope of action in Afghanistan – but not its capacity for action – IS-K has since re-established bases in Central Asian countries across the border.

  • Zuberi 👀
    -196 months ago

    Anybody who genuinely believes this was Isis is beyond saving from the state departments’ silly narrative

    • @Bernie_Sandals
      116 months ago

      Or perhaps you’re so far down the Kremlin propaganda rabbit hole that a terrorist attack no government even claims was U.S. supported, looks like it must be U.S. supported.

      This is what happens to your brain when you believe “West Bad” enough that everything bad must be caused by the West.

      • Zuberi 👀
        -136 months ago

        beyond saving from the state departments’ silly narrative

        • @Bernie_Sandals
          76 months ago

          Do you have literally any evidence of it being supported by the U.S?

          • Zuberi 👀
            6 months ago

            Weird for you to take his name to spew your version of hateful liberalism.

            You might want to change off Bernie my guy, why even pretend to be that left lol.

            • @Bernie_Sandals
              6 months ago

              Literally worked on both his campaigns and have been a member of a Socialist party for 10 years but go off ig.

              Edit: didn’t even make a single political prescription, when are yall tankie-kiddies gonna learn that not deep throating non-imperial/capitalist core countries doesn’t make you a liberal.

    • @zerog_bandit
      56 months ago

      Lmao I can taste the mental illness in this comment.