A large corporate shopping mall settles in a nice neighborhood with small local run shops and community centers. The new shopping mall says ‘if we settle here, more people will come, and you all will benefit’. A few years later all small shops are bankrupt and the community is destroyed. What remains is a barren corporate landscape.

  • @shrugal
    31 year ago

    The more the merrier for the Fediverse

    In principal yes, but not at any cost!

    Keep in mind that the Fediverse is also a distributed governance model, and it can be seriously harmed if one bad actor gets too much leverage. Meta’s business model is to control as much of the users and content as possible, which runs counter to the idea of the Fediverse. They want to use it to bootstrap their new app, but they’ll try to superseed it as soon as they have enough leverage to do so.