I’m going to kick-start this community with my favorite Weird West work. Darkwatch had everything I wanted from a Weird Western: a vampire gunslinger shooting monsters at night. Sure, the gameplay could’ve been better (a lot better) but the world-building was so fun I loved it anyway.

I don’t know if I could handle playing the game again today; it got mediocre reviews even when it was released and the game mechanics are even more dated now. But I’ll always have a soft-spot for it and would love a sequel in this world.

Here’s a trailer showing just how ridiculous the game was.

  • MamboGator
    3 months ago

    As for whether it holds up, my litmus test is to have someone who never played it when it was new try it now since their opinion will be untainted by nostalgia. In this case, I’m that person who never played it until recently. I emulated it on my Steam Deck and I have to say it’s pretty great. The moment the horse gets bit by a vampire and then becomes a vampire horse was when I was hooked.

    The gameplay holds up really well in my opinion. This is back when console shooters were finally figuring themselves out. Some stumbled but the rest just copied Halo.