raddle.me/f/touhou, the only very active link aggregator alternative to r/touhou

Hey you. Yes you, Touhou fan. Tired of r/touhou’s too restrictive rules? Want a very active general 2hu forum that’s hosted on a #reddit alternative with an explicit strong anti-bigotry stance? Then why not hang out and chill at #Raddle’s f/touhou? We’ve recently reached 100 subscribers and 520 submissions! :D


#Touhou #東方Project #東方 #redditmigration

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

  • TalkingCat-
    111 months ago

    Any apps for it? Otherwise it’s the same as the old place.

    • Ka TakaneOP
      111 months ago

      @talkingcat There are no apps for Raddle at the moment. But IMHO the mobile web version works perfectly fine for me; it’s snappy, lightweight, and can work with JavaScript disabled. That’s what matters for me.

      Tbh I don’t understand this obsession with apps. A lot of BB-style forums like Moriya Shrine, MSFN, and Maidens of the Kaleidoscope don’t have mobile apps either; does that mean they’re as bad as Reddit?

      • TalkingCat-
        111 months ago

        No, I need a place to scroll, I can access old.reddit and raddle in the same amount of taps. I wouldn’t access MS, MSFN or MOK in mobile even if they did have an app, since I prefer forums and basically anything else on PC.

        So until old.reddit dies I don’t have a need for raddle (even though I like it more than old.reddit).

        • Ka TakaneOP
          111 months ago

          @talkingcat You can install Raddle as a PWA from your browser if you want to access it from your home screen. That will give you an “app-like” experience.

          • VBBM
            111 months ago

            im not sure if there is any support for pwa in raddle. its just adds link to home screen which just opens web browser (and ofc no gestures support)