if you’ve not heard of this guy then definitely check afew of his videos.

hes been offline for a few years but his picture catches my eye when clearing through my subs and i often find myself peeking at his channel just incase hes posted.

    • @[email protected]
      16 months ago

      oh no, lemmy’s word filter strikes again. I wish I knew what it removed from that URL. If you put that URL encoded inside some normal words does it still censor it?

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      Oh wait… scratch my last comment about not being able to follow the URL, I figured out what word was being censored from the URL. For posterity, and as an excellent example of it being a pretty dumb idea to censor words on a forum no matter how well-intentioned, the word in question is a synonym for female dogs and hilariously the letters that combine to form this word weren’t even being put next to each for the purpose of making the naughty word but were instead trying to say bit chute, as in bits of information and chute as in a channel or inclined plane for conveying things. I hope there’s enough there for others to figure out and amend the URL as needed. Just in case, I’m going to see what happens if I encode the URL in to something. Bit Chute link for Vagrant Holiday

      EDIT: Yep, it even removes the naughty words from encoded URLs that wouldn’t even have been seen by people reading the comment, great idea, what could go wrong?

      • @squid_slimeOP
        6 months ago

        Lol this is aweful, wonder if its an .ml issue can you read “bitch”?

        Guessing you got to the channel?

        • @[email protected]
          16 months ago

          Nope, whatever you wrote between those quotes is now just the word “REMOVED” written in lower case and italics. (I wrote in all caps and non-italicised to emphasize that I’m actually typing REMOVED when quoting what Lemmy replaces censored words with as opposed to being censored)

          Yep I got to the channel. Watching the one in Japan. Despite how he just slings crap at everything he sees as his schtick, it seems so far like he actually rather likes the place.

          • @squid_slimeOP
            16 months ago

            Maybe there’s something you your settings but glad .world doesn’t seem to censor.

            Lol yea I find his critics to be very relatable