• promitheasM
    41 year ago

    Were they relatively easy to grow? I might want to give it a shot if they are

    • NataliePortland
      41 year ago

      Beans are the absolute easiest! They come in two main types: bush beans and pole beans. Bush beans ripen all at once on short little plants. Pole beans ripen gradually and want to climb something. They don’t need fertilizer and in fact they add nitrogen to the soil making it even more fertile for your next plants! I friggin love beans. This past two days on Lemmy has been awesome

    • @SuperSoftAbbyOP
      31 year ago

      These really have been pretty easy to grow. I didn’t really know much of anything about these beans before I was given them, and as an other commentor mentioned, the different types of beans, these must be the kind that bushes because they didn’t need anything to climb anything. I did add my homemade compost the soil though, because I reuse the dirt every year.