Gaming on a Mac might be a reality in the next major update as they’ve added a “Game Porting Toolkit” that’s very similar to Linux’s Proton. It allows you to play Windows games on MacOS, with… Pretty good results, actually!

Seems like Mac is getting very serious about taking market share from Windows.

  • @moosh
    11 year ago

    True, it’s not an Apple computer. But for me the thing that always drew me towards macOS was the OS. The hardware is an added bonus in that it was solid and sturdy. Except when it wasn’t. When something went wrong, that was a pain because of the walled garden that Apple had built. No way to fix it by yourself (often) so off to the Apple Store goes for a 1-2 week turn around time.

    I definitely have heard your experience before though. People build them and then want to set it and forget it. Definitely can’t do that with a hackintosh. With a little attention over the years though it’s been a good experience and fairly robust for me.

    Sad it can’t be maintained forever and will make the jump back onto Apple silicon when this machine goes but glad I dipped my toe in these waters.