• @[email protected]
    3711 months ago

    Legit people need to start doing this. I’ve been saying it for years.

    ‘I’m a true American patriot, I’m not gonna let the government tell me or my fiancee what I can and can’t do with my body. Stop being a commy’ said to an anti abortion republican with an American flag. I also call them snowflakes.

    • @lennybird
      2611 months ago

      It works with all the anti-LGBTQ stuff, too:

      “I’m a rugged individualist, which is why I think people should be able to identify and call themselves whatever they want!”

      “As a freedom lover, I see no difference between respecting someone preferring to be called Josh over Joshua, and someone preferring different pronouns. Doesn’t 'ffect me none… After all, it’s just about showing respect to your good neighbor.”

      • @[email protected]
        1011 months ago

        Good neighbor reminded me, it also works for religion if you’re talking to those types.

        ‘the lord said love thy neighbor and something about throwing stones, fuck you for being a bigot’.

      • @[email protected]
        711 months ago

        The trick ive caught on to is to be nonconfrontational, nonthreatening, and try and get in good with them first. The conservatives i talk to these days are other exploited poors from my work. They like me, and i def play into being eccentric/nonconforming which resounds well with these individualism loving individuals. So then i just frame any of these sorts of issues you highlighted from that angle.

        Its… not something theyre ever prepared for.

        Another tip is to present as some sort of radical centrist, regardless of how much of a far left heathen u may in actuality be.

        • @bitchkat
          811 months ago

          I had very good luck actually convincing christians that supporting LBGT rights was a christian activity. But that was back in the early 2000’s and they were a bit more reasonable back then and actually willing to think. Basically, I would get them to pull the God doesn’t make mistakes card and that people are being tested. This is when I’d tell them that is likely true but they are the one being tested not the LGBT person.

          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            Thats what im talking about! I dont like this whole, if ur a conservative u must just be predisposed to be an asshole thing. Theyre up against 50+ years of very concerted propaganda. The fact that u could make headway in the 2000s, or me making any gains now shows just how much effort it takes to keep them with their heads in the sand.

            I harp on the point about keeping these dialogues open so long as theyre not framed the way conservatives imagine, bc that world view can be shaken. And while u prolly will lose many battles, u can shift the cultural conversation this way every time u have it. U can reframe the focus on establishing a culture based on kindness and mutual aid. They might not be convinced, but if their grounds are shaken, u will loosen things up for the next generation they try to groom on the whole. For one, they wont be able to claim so easily that all these leftists they hear about are out to get them.

    • @elliot_crane
      1011 months ago

      Ooh I love the “don’t be a commie” addition. We all know how desperately those snowflake conservatives want to be part of the in-group. That shit will make their heads hurt.

      • @[email protected]
        511 months ago

        Maybe the ones on the internet. The ones in my workplace backtrack on making fun of queer folk when u tell them ur friends with trans ppl and call it nonconformity.

      • @lennybird
        11 months ago

        It’s not really about swaying them, but swaying everyone else listening in.

        This is how right-wing propaganda has been so effective. Fox News & affiliates literally promote brainwashing to have the crazy uncles memorize soundbite talking-points to project at Thanksgiving Dinners and so forth across America.

          • @lennybird
            11 months ago

            lol this astroturfing troll is trying SO hard to incite violence among the left.

              • @lennybird
                11 months ago

                Okay whatever you say, buddy. Just finish college before you start your revolution, mmkay?

                Oh, and after you, Mr. 420 lmao.

                • @[email protected]
                  011 months ago

                  but go ahead and talk about linux some more ya fuckin twats

                  I think u forgot to ask him if hes heard about our Lord and savior, Linux Mint.

                  • @lennybird
                    011 months ago

                    lol no disrespect to Linux users but I don’t even use it so he’s even that much more off the mark. Such a weird insult haha.

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        Yea I don’t debate them online and even in person I don’t really debate them more so just respond once calling them out using their terms and then I just move on while calling them snowflakes.

        • @MB420GFY
          -511 months ago

          which changes nothing. you want to watch the world burn or would you like to help save it?