• @grue
    2011 months ago

    There’s a saying that goes something like:

    There are two genders, male and ‘political.’
    Two races, white and ‘political.’
    Two religions, Christian and ‘political.’

    Well, guess what: there are also two modes of transportation, driving and ‘political.’ Riding a bike is a political act, whether you intend for it to be or not.

    • @gaifux
      -411 months ago

      Well I can’t say I’ve heard that racist, sexist saying before lol. Politically I’ve shifted all the way to slightly right of Atila the Hun and I ride a bicycle when I’m not unicycling with my friends. Maybe you’re just sheltered or judging people you actually don’t know? It may also be the case people you ride with actually don’t agree with your politics.