• @jordanlund
    36 months ago


    “On Wednesday, the New York Times reported that an “increasingly alarmed” Democratic Party “has put together a new team of lawyers aimed at tracking the threat” posed by “third-party candidates” in order to block them from appearing on the ballot.”

    Weird how they don’t link to the NYT article… 🤔


    “The aim “is to ensure all the candidates are playing by the rules, and to seek to hold them accountable when they are not,” Mr. Lenhard said.”


    "In some states, the fastest way for independent candidates to get on the ballot is by forming a new political party.

    Mr. Kennedy and his supporters have formed a party called We the People, which his campaign says will get him on the ballot in California, Delaware, Hawaii, Mississippi and North Carolina. Mr. West’s supporters have formed the Justice for All party to secure a ballot line in at least five states.

    Mr. Lenhard said those new party efforts would be monitored, to ensure that “to the degree that you are seeking status as a new political party, you are actually a political party — a large group of people who believe what you believe, not simply a single candidate wanting to circumvent existing rules.”"


    ““I am not aware of the D.N.C. going hostile on us yet,” said Edwin DeJesus, Mr. West’s campaign’s director for ballot access. “They are probably going to surface the spoiler narrative closer to the election.””