I am looking for a name for an idea that I have for a website. It is a niche hobby, but there is a greek word for it that most people don’t know. Lets say its a book club and the word was Bibliophile or a music club called Melophile.

Would you, if you did not know the meaning, think of it as something sexual, or maybe even something bad? I am nervous that users might relate it to pedophile even though that is just one of, (but maybe best known) philias there are

    • @cosmicrookieOP
      16 months ago

      So I only use the anthophile as an examble. It’s not that, but I’d rather not share the actual word as I’m sure some jerk will go out and buy both before I decide LOL

      It’s a good point though! I might consider doing both, although only one can host the actual software and using both would be ineffective brand wise. I think that I have kind of settled on using the English prefix and phile suffix