Slide with text: “Rust teams at Google are as productive as ones using Go, and more than twice as productive as teams using C++.”

In small print it says the data is collected over 2022 and 2023.

  • @BradleyUffner
    41 year ago

    It’s what C++ would look like if it had been designed today.

    So, it’s C#?


    • @orclev
      71 year ago

      So, it’s C#?

      No, that’s what Java would look like today if designed by a giant evil megacorp… or was that J++. Eh, same difference. /s

      This did make me laugh though. Anyone else remember that brief period in the mid-90s when MS released Visual J++ aka Alpha C#? Of course then Sun sued them into the ground and they ended up abandoning that for a little while until they were ready to release the rebranded version in 2000.