Continuing my theme of “yes, this movie is bad, but it’s a Weird Western!”: Jonah Hex. Of course, this is a “big budget movie with theatrical release” bad movie, not a “direct to video” bad movie. So it’s not nearly as bad as GallowWalkers or Bloodrayne 2. I personally think it’s a fun action movie but I won’t argue with anyone who says it’s dumb.

Jonah Hex has the ability to speak to the dead if he makes physical contact with them and he uses that to track down John Malkovich and Michael Fassbender’s characters to get revenge. I’ve never read the comics the character is based on so I have no idea how closely it follows the source material.

Here’s a trailer. It isn’t streaming anywhere right now but if you ever get a chance to watch it, I think it’s a fun movie.

  • Mbourgon everywhere
    16 months ago

    It’s not good. I watched Solomon Kane, which is more “weird medieval”, and that can curb-stomp Solomon Kane.