I’m an EE by trade focusing on embedded devices, but most of my work is in relatively low-power STM32 applications. When I stopped following developments in hobby kits, it was mostly Arduino Unos slowly driving I2C OLED displays.

Now suddenly, there are embedded Raspberry Pis and ESP32s doing realtime facial recognition and video feeds.

Is there a good place to look to catch up on what’s now possible with these embedded devices?

Also, while I enjoy the ease of the hobby kits, I’m also interested in more mass-production-focused solutions.

  • @TCB13
    111 months ago

    and other tooling are available online?

    No no, it’s perfectly okay to have things online. What isn’t okay is over-reliance on being online and cloud services made by some for profit company. Open tools yes, but something that forces you into having permanent internet connection and requires pinging someone’s server isn’t open at all.

    • @[email protected]
      011 months ago

      What kind of tools did you use? I only ever play around with STM32 stuff (specifically their cubemx program) while the rest is just SDK and open source tools.

      • @TCB13
        111 months ago

        The tooling around STM32 is decent, same goes for PIC and AVR microcontrollers. But even with those you see people going with PlatformIO and the dozens of layers of abstractions that have a less open nature and push people into cloud services. Even the Arduino guys are trying to go on that direction now.

        • @[email protected]
          011 months ago

          Look my man, I am genuinely confused here. What online service are you talking about? PIO only provides their registry and that is it. They didn’t even take a mandatory payment, only donations. If you are talking about the IoT ecosystem, then that is an entirely different beast.